My Story

Having grown up in a very conservative Baptist home, I don't even recall the word SEX even being spoken. It was a taboo topic. In fact, I wasn't even entirely sure what it was.
The one and only time it was even hinted at was when I was 15. My Dad sat me down and had "the talk". Now, bear in mind, I was somewhat of an early bloomer. At the age of 13 I was already 6' tall and beginning to shave. By the time I was 15 I was 6'5", fully developed, wearing size 12 shoe and had finished growing.
My Dad sat me down in my bedroom in a very uncomfortable manner. This is what he said to me. "Son, you are growing up. I just want you to know that you may notice your body changing. Its normal." then after an pause, "And you might get an erection. If you do, don't worry about it. It will go away." Another awkward silence... "Do you have any questions?" "No Dad.""Well if you do just let me know."
I remember as he left my room I wasn't sure weather to laugh or cry. The main thought in my mind was "Oh Dad! If you only knew." I had already gotten my sex education by reading every book in the public library. I had already begun shaving on my own with no help or explanation. As for the erection... well...needless to say I knew all about those.
That's the only sex talk my parents and I ever had.
But it isn't the only thing they ever taught me. In future posts I'll talk more about this. In the mean time, I would love to hear your experiences. What, when, how did your parents teach you about sex? What did you learn from them? How did it impact your life? How do you differ from them?
I'm interested in knowing other people's stories. I think it could help us today have a better understanding of why everywhere we turn there is talk about sex, yet no one is really talking about it in a productive manner.
When you respond to this post include your age (if you are comfortable with that), state and sex. And anything else you think might shed light on the subject. I think we'll see some common threads after a while.
I look forward to hearing from you!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

How much of the obsession with sex is because it is the forbidden fruit? If we were able to talk about it more would we be less obsessed with it? I know in my personal life I found that to be true. When you begin talking about it openly and comfortably it becomes less of a mystery and less desirable because it is no longer the forbidden fruit.

What are your thoughts?

Monday, August 18, 2008

No Shame

As a single dad of two teenage daughters, I have no shame left. I have taken them shopping for make-up, clothing, bras and panties, tampons and pads and the list goes on. None of this bothers me. In fact, Nora the "bra-master" at JC Penny commented that they don't make men like me anymore. I don't tell you that to brag, I actually think it is a shame. My daughters and I are very comfortable talking about all these things. We even talk about body parts, such as a penis and vagina.... and yes, we actually say those words! We also talk about sex. Was it always this way? I'm afraid not. What changed it? I decided to focus on what was truly important. Building a relationship with my kids is number one! I want my kids to talk to me about these things, but the key is, I have to be even more comfortable talking about it than they are! So I am. You really can't embarrass me in these areas.

What about you?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

1 out of 4

Today on NPR I heard that a recent statistic revealed that one out of four teenager girls has a STD. Half of all African American teen girls have a STD.

I'd love to hear your comments on this.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

we talked about it

My partner and I had a nice chat with my two Jr Highers about sex the other day. This was after my last post about the school meeting that was held. We discussed what is sex, what isn't sex, what can happen from various sexual activities, etc. It was great conversation and happened very naturally.

Perhaps you don't feel comfortable with these types of conversations.... GET COMFORTABLE!

Its a matter of life and death!

Friday, February 22, 2008

let's talk about it

Recently I had the opportunity to go with my two Jr. Highers to a presentation at school about STD's and making healthy sexual choices. I must commend Concord Community Schools for providing this program to the students and their caregivers. I'm very happy that they are willing to talk about these things.

Overall I was somewhat pleased with the information presented. But I did leave disappointed in what was NOT presented. I found out later, after communicating with the school ,that the presentation was a part of the current curriculum which encourages abstinence and monogamy. The purpose of the presentation was to encourage additional communication on these subjects once the kids got home. It definitely did do that for me. I was disturbed by the absence of so much important information. I wondered how many parents could even talk intelligently about these things. Here are some points that I think every child/parent should discuss:

  • what constitutes sexual activity?

  • Can you get STD's from just physical touch?

  • Once you get an STD is it safe to have sex with someone else with the same STD?

  • What can and cannot a condom do?

  • What does birth control protect you from?

  • How do you know if your partner has been abstinent or monogamous?

  • What about oral sex? is it safer for the receiver than the giver?

  • What about homosexuality? What sexual activities are associated with homosexuality?

and the list goes on.......

Friday, January 18, 2008

HPV - Your Opinion please

How do you feel about girls getting the vacination for HPV? Do you feel like it somehow gives a permision to have sex? Do you feel it gives some false sense of security about sexual behavior?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Pop Culture and Sex

How much of our view of sex is formed by pop culture? Does music and entertainment really impoact our views and feelings about sex? What do you think? I'd like to hear your opinion.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

ladies, let's hear from you

If you are female, how do you handle it when you get unwanted "attention" from men who are disrespectful or inappropriate in their comments or behaviors around you?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Its 2008, time to TALK. Don't let another year go by without becoming more comfortable with those "uncomfortable" subjects. How? TALK ABOUT IT. That's the only way. The only reason you are uncomfortable talking about it is because you were taught to be uncomfortable talking about it. Make 2008 the year to TALK about it!